USAI Timeline
USAI Throughout the Years

USAI founded and established as NPO by Joji Konoshima and Esther G. Kee following the first national gathering of representatives from Asian American communities at the White House.
First USAI Gala, 1st National Leadership Conference. Pres. Carter gave a key note address for National Leadership Conference to an audience of over 1000 guests from the Asian American community. This dinner marked the launch of multiple events taking place across DC at the State Department, The National Education Association, Office of the US Trade Representatives, the Immagration and Naturalization Service, and joint meeting with members from the DNC and RNC.

Second National Leadership conference, and First Trade Mission. This trade mission was hosted by the China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). China's Vice Premier Gu Mu met with the Trade Mission in the Great Hall of the People.
Initiation of Internship Program.

Initiation of Congressional Staff Trips to China. A program of trips to China for top congressional aides initiated with four trips sponsored by CPIFA and coordinated by USAI. The trips promoted the exchange of policy viewpoints and ideas between China's leading officails and reps of the US Congress.

State visit of Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone. President Ronald Regan, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, and Chairman Kay Sugahara.

Initiation of Congressional Staff Trips to Japan. A program of trips to Japan for top congressional aides initiated with sponsored by Foreign Ministry of Japan and coordinated by USAI. The trips promoted the exchange of policy viewpoints and ideas between Japan's leading officails and reps of the US Congress.

Initiation of Congressional Staff Trips to Malaysia. A program of trips toMalaysia for top congressional aides initiated with sponsored by the Institute of Strategic International Studies and the Palm Oil Industry of Malaysia and coordinated by USAI. The trips promoted the exchange of policy viewpoints and ideas between Malaysia's leading officails and reps of the US Congress.

Initiation of Congressional Staff Trips to Indonesia.A program of trips to Indonesia for top congressional aides initiated with sponsored by the Office of the Secreatary-General of the Indonesian Parliament and coordinated by USAI. The trips promoted the exchange of policy viewpoints and ideas between Indonesia's leading officails and reps of the US Congress.

Initiation of Congressional Staff Trips to Singapore. A program of trips to Singapore for top congressional aides initiated with sponsored by the Institute of Policy Studies in Singapore and coordinated by USAI. The trips promoted the exchange of policy viewpoints and ideas between Singapore's leading officials and reps of the US Congress.

50th Commemoration of Congressional staff delegations to China Gala and Dinner. A Gala reception hosted by the USAI was held at the Institute on July 23, 2002 and was attended by almost 200 Congressional leaders, key administration officials, current and former congressional members and staff, and friends from business, academic, government, and international communities. Special recognition was given to Mr. Joji Konoshima, Co-founder and President of the US-Asia Institute, thanking him for his vision and years of service to the Institute.

First Joji Konoshima Distinguished Scholar: Professor Yang Jieman

1st Annual Better Hong Kong Foundation Delegation to the US with USAI. Each summer the Better Hong Kong Foundation sends a delegation to Washington, DC and New York City to discuss Hong Kong's role in US-China relations. USAI organizes a week of discussions for them with leaders in Congress, at think tanks, companies and with like-minded organizations.

Former Chinese President Hu Jintao's State Visit to the US

The USAI-Szymanski Rule of Law Program: 1st Year. Each summer since 2008, the US-Asia Institute’s J. Matthew Szymanski Rule of Law Program has brought Chinese law students to Washington, D.C. for a four-week intensive program designed to expose them to the institutions and officials of the US government and legal system.
30th Anniversary Gala. Attendees of the gala included former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Party Committee Secretary for the People's Republic of China and Former Chinese Ambassador to the United States and United Nations, Zhang Yesui, Norman Lau-Kee, Esther G. Kee, First Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Tung Chee-hwa, and China's Deputy Chief of Mission, He Yefei. Zhang Yesui is now the Chair of the NPC's Foreign Affairs Committee. former Foreign Minister of Indonesia and Indonesian Ambassador to the United Nations, Marty Natalegawa

Gansu International Fellowship Program at Lanzhou University. Program involved talks on foreign direct investment projects, plans, and opportunities in Central China by meeting with provincial government officials and the business community
Jin Lequn UN New York Forum Key Note. Jin Lequn and Chairman Lau Kee at the United Nations. Mr. Lequn was the former Chairmain of the China Soveirgn Wealth Fund. Mr. Lequn is the founder of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank.
First Congressional Black Caucus Congressional Members delegation to China organized by USAI. Ten Members of Congress, led by CBC Chair Congresswoman Marcia Fudge and organized by Ken Nealy, and their Chiefs of Staff held meetings with Vice Premier Madame Liu Yandong, the highest ranking female government official in Beijing. The CBC also met with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National People's Congress, the China Investment Corporation, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, among others. These meetings directly led to increased people-to-people exchanges between the US and China, most notably for minority students and those attending HBCUs.
35th USAI Anniversary. USAI's International Public Service & Philanthropy Award presented at gala held at the United Nations in New York

The 100th US-Asia Institute Congressional Delegation, co-hosted by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, took place. The commemorative celebration hosted multiple delegations simultaneously, including Members of the Congressional Black Caucus who previou sly traveled to China.
1st TANIP Class.TANIP is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Thai-American students to gain a firsthand look at the American government and political system in Washington DC, and to reflect on the role they, as future leaders, might play in strengthening the US-Thai relationship.

SIF Connects! Dialogue and Reception. SIF Connects! is an annual event to reconnect with friends of Singapore in the United States. In partnership with USAI, SIF held a dialogue titled Strengthening Meaningful Connections between the US and ASEAN, to mark ASEAN’s 50th anniversary and 40 years of US-ASEAN relations in 2017.

Dinner Welcoming the Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Vuong Dinh Hue and Foreign Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Pham Quang Vinh, Vietnamese Ambassador to the US.
Ms. B, Mary Purdy, Rachel, Madeline Clough with Tibet Delegation.

USAI 40th Anniversary Celebration, Asia Unscripted Podcast Launched. USAI celebrated its 40th anniversary with a special summer reception. Attendees included friends from the diplomatic and congressional communities, participants from USAI's international exchanges and friends from the corporate world.