The Congressional Circle
The US-Asia Institute Congressional Circle is an alumni association of current and former Congressional advisers who have participated in USAI programs including off-the-record briefings and delegations to the region over the past 30 years.
The Congressional Circle:
-Recommends potential delegates to travel on future staff and Member delegations;
-Advises USAI on programming and projects;
-Makes introductions to individuals and organizations that might be interested in partnering with USAI on programs and events of mutual benefit; and
-Assists in expanding our corporate network
Our Members
Executive Board
Congressional Circle Co-Chair: Chris McCannell, GrayRobinson, P.A.
Congressional Circle Co-Chair: Rachel MacKnight, Sycamore Strategies
Ashley Antoskiewicz, John Deere
Surya Gunasekara, Section VII Strategies
Jeremy Haldeman, Community Sponsorship Hub
Congressional Circle
Hera A. Abbasi, Mastercard
Anna Ashton, EurAsia Group
Jeremy Berkowitz, Paul Hastings
Paul Bock, Thorn Run Partners
Colin Brainard, Walmart
Adam Bramwell, SK Group
Jeff Choudhry, Nickles Group
Steve Denis, Small Business Finance Association
Ruben Duran, Merck & Co.
Josh Falzone, Cisco
Jonathan Gregory, Yorktown Solutions
Treon Glenn, US Travel Association
Sidney Hand, Alibaba
Wally Hsueh, FedEx
Sheila Kennett Johnson, Author
Omair Mirza, JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Donald J. Morrissey
Antonio Peronace, Space for Humanity
Matt Renninger, Apollo Group
Gregg Sheiowitz, Zurich North America
George F. Shevlin, IV, AIG
Scott Shewcraft, Mindset
Joshua Teitelbaum, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP
James Travis, Bayer
Trudy Vincent, University of Chicago
Stanley White, Lawrence James Group
William (Bill) Wicker, US Senate (emeritus)
You can download the one-pager detailing information of the US-Asia Institute’s Leadership HERE.