Please join the US-Asia Institute as we introduce new Congressional Members' staff to issues relating to US-Southeast Asia relations on Wednesday, February 24 at 9:00 am EST. This briefing is open exclusively to Congressional staff and will cover a wide range of issues pertaining to U.S. policy and relations with countries in the region.
With the start of a new Congress and an increasingly complicated political environment across Asia, gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing US-Asia relations will be vital for leaders in the United States to build ties and overcome the political challenges within these relationships in Asia. The US-Asia Institute is hosting a special 2-part briefing series exclusively for new Congressional offices and their staff in order to help America’s leaders understand the dynamics of Asia--its people, politics, and policies--in order to prepare them with the knowledge necessary to develop a deeper understanding of Asia and inform future decision making pertaining to the region. We will bring together policy experts, public and private sector representatives, and academics to address today's most pressing issues in Northeast and Southeast Asia.
This second virtual session features prominent experts on Southeast Asian politics, foreign policy, and economics who will provide insights into the US relationship with ASEAN and examine key areas of interest, concern, and further cooperation in the economic, security, and diplomatic realms.
Satu Limaye, Vice President and Director, East-West Center
His Excellency Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, Chairman, Singapore International Foundation, and Former Secretary-General of ASEAN
Moderator: George Shevlin, Vice President, Federal Government Affairs, AIG; Member, US-Asia Institute Congressional Circle